BJ Hoff offers another thrilling historical saga that will capture the hearts of readers everywhere.
At the entrance to the city, an Irish governessclimbs into a carriage and sets out to confront the man who destroyedher sister’s life—a blind musician who hears music no one else can hear...
On a congested city street, a lonely Scotphysician with a devastating secret meets a woman doctor with thecapacity to heal not only the sick ... but also his heart ...
In a tumbledown shack among hundreds of otherslike it, an immigrant family struggles to survive, and a ragged streetsinger old beyond her years appoints herself an unlikely guardian ...
So begins American Anthem, a story setin 1870s New York that lets the reader step into another time to sharethe hopes and dreams and triumphant faith of a people you’ll grow tolove ... a people readers will never forget.
“An eloquently told story that weaves history, music, faith and intrigue ... an absolute pleasure.” —Christian Retailing
“The story gently unfolds with intriguingcharacters, and the sound of music, which Hoff manages to make fly offthe pages with her glorious and passionate descriptions.” —Christian Library Journal
Originally published to strong sales severalyears ago, this new edition combines three of BJ’s best novels into onesaga–length volume.
Book Trailer and Reviews
“An eloquently told story that weaves history, music, faith, and intrigue…an absolute pleasure.”
—Christian Retailing
“The story gently unfolds with
intriguing characters, and the sound of music, which Hoff manages to
make fly off the pages with her glorious and passionate descriptions.”
—Christian Library Journal
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