Things we once loved
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Things we once loved is a collection of poetry from author Phillip Overton spanning the earlier years of his career. Covering traditional rhyme, non-rhyme and Australian bush verse, this collection of 24 carefully selected poems explores a reflective and nostalgic look at our not-so-distant past. It draws heavily on his time spent growing up in the small rural township of Foster, tucked away in the countryside of South Gippsland, Victoria.
The Story Behind This Book
Phillip Overton has been writing poetry for more than two decades, during which time his poetry has won an award and seen him published in a national poetry magazine in Australia.
Praise and Reviews
"I have been reading it non stop all day and I just love it."
5 star AuthorStand review.
"Purchased this book today and I simply love it! Highly recommended! Definitely going to check out some of your other work."
5 star AuthorStand review.
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