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Jackass Investing: Don't do it. Profit from it.

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Jackass Investingsystematically rips apart the conventional investment wis­dom – myth by myth –then replaces it with a “return driver” based methodology that results in a “FreeLunch” portfolio – one that produces both greater returns and lower risk. Morethan ten years in the making, and supported by the twin pillars of exten­siveresearch and more than 30 years of trading experience, this book finally laysto rest the traditional investment para­digm.

As you might have guessed, this is not your typical invest­mentbook. “Controversial” and “ground-breaking” are two words that have been usedto describe it. Jackass Investing presentsan entirely new, and eminently logical, process for investing – all of it supportedby numerous relevant facts and studies. But JackassInvesting is not a dense financial tome. It is extremely readable and includesentertaining and relevant references to popular culture – such as Criss Angel’smagic, the rock band Rush and heavyweight boxing con­tender “Fast” EddieChambers – to help describe investment concepts in a truly approachable way.

Perhaps most importantly, the book is also highly practical.As a bonus, the author has created a companion web site that includes specificactions you can take to turn your “Poor-folio” into a truly diversifiedportfolio – one that can make you money in even the harshest environments. Thisis certainly the one book that will transform your way of thinking about moneyand how you invest it.

What you’ll learn:

Are you a Seinfeldfan? In Myth #3, learn what George Costanza can teach you about market timing.Then read the “Action Section” to see an actual trading strategy you can use toprofit from the behavior of those people who do mis-time the market.

Think that the largest investors have an edge over you? InMyth #15, read why the opposite is true. In the action section see an actualtechnique that has been shown to outperform the S&P 500 by more than 5% peryear.

What can the behavior of football fans teach you about investing?Find out in Myth #16. Learn how even the largest investors have a bias in theirinvesting – one that you can exploit to create a truly diversified portfolio.

Do you believe it is impossible to both increase returns andreduce risk? That’s understandable. The conventional financial wisdom preachesthat ad nauseum. But in the final myth, find out why – and how – it is possible.See actual portfolios you can use to produce greater returns with less risk thanthose that follow conventional financial wisdom.

These are just a handful of the many entertaining examplesof investment myths and specific trading strategies you will learn when readingJackass Investing. There is no otherbook like it that combines entertainment with financial education and a practical“how-to” guide. Learn what most of Wall Street doesn’t know, and what those whodo know, want to keep from you.

The Story Behind This Book

The Writing of Jackass Investing: The year was 1999. Everyone “knew” that the sure path to financial independence was to simply buy stocks and hold on for the long run; that a diversified portfolio was one that held a variety of stocks, such as large caps, small caps, and maybe even a few from other countries; that government regulations ensured a safe investing environment; and that commodities and futures trading were a sure path to reduced wealth. I vehemently disagreed and viewed these supposed "truths" to be, in actuality, costly myths. It was in that environment that I resolved to write Jackass Investing. Over the following decade I cataloged dozens of investment myths, and over the years researched the basis for each one. In this book I condense that list to 20 of the most pervasive. My purpose is not just to expose each myth, but to show people how they can profit by exploiting the myths. This required an extensive amount of research, both to show why each myth is just that – a myth – and not a fact, and also to create the investment approach that you, the reader, could use to profit from the behavior of those people who believed in – and invested pursuant to – each myth. As a result, Jackass Investing is really two books in one. The first is the print (and electronic) book. It contains 280 pages of research and narrative designed to expose each myth. I’ve written this book to be entertaining as well as informative, and incorporate numerous comparisons between the myths and popular culture (one of my favorites, and most valuable, is the comparison between George Costanza on Seinfeld and the behavior of most so-called "investors"). The second part is the online "Action Section". It is here that I reveal specific "Trading Strategies" that you can employ to create a “Free Lunch” portfolio. A Free Lunch portfolio produces both greater returns and lower risk than the "conventional" portfolio that is advocated by the vast majority of financial professionals and publications. My goal, as I state in the Introduction to the book, is "to put to rest the investment paradigm that has been over preached and accepted without hesitation, despite its obvious flaws, for far too long" and to help my readers "transform their lives and gain what every adult in the modern world dreams of and rarely achieves … financial security." Best wishes, Mike Dever

Praise and Reviews

Praise for Michael Dever and Jackass Investing:

"With Jackass Investing, Michael Dever systematically refutes 20 common investment myths while also providing readers with a process for creating their own ‘Free Lunch’ portfolio of both greater returns and lower risk. Read this book."

Michael W. Covel, author of Trend Following and The Complete TurtleTrader

"This book should be read by any investor considering investing in the stock market before they make big mistakes, as well as by experienced investors who are unsure of what they are doing. Written by an experienced money manager, Dever offers the unvarnished truth about the way Wall Street works to the detriment investors' best interests.  Buy-and-hold is too dangerous and risky. That is why he lays out strategies to make money on a consistent basis. I highly recommend this well-written and enlightening book to all investors."

 Leslie N. Masonson, Author of Buy DON'T Hold and All About Market Timing

”All right, you’re guilty! I have no time to do anything, yet I have finished your book. Like a drug addict blaming their pusher. I'd read a few pages at a time. Man it was GREAT! I loved it. I felt like I was watching Perry Mason tear up a prose­cutor with a weak case."

Robb Ross, Principal of White Indian Trading Co. Ltd. a Commodity Trading Advisor

“Investing is full of unexpected pitfalls, but Mike Dever gives investors a road map for avoiding them. Using statistics, research and his professional experience, Dever sheds lights on many common investing concepts and provides alternative strategies that are designed to beat the market.”

Charles Rotblut, CFA, Vice President, American Association of Individual Investors; Author, Better Good than Lucky

“Dever makes two potent points:

·         Don’t invest like a jackass

·         Take advantage of all the jackasses out there

I wish him great success with the book, but not too much, as it would make my job more difficult!”

Michael H. Trenk, Chief Operating Officer, ALVA CAPITAL

 “With all the reading and writing with work, there are few accumulations of the written word, let alone entire books, which beckon me to excuse myself from the outer world until its pages are exhausted. Jackass Investing is such a vehicle for retreat, contemplation and learning. In simple English and with easy-to-understand examples, Mike Dever explains how “drawdown” is an investor’s true measure of risk (not volatility) and how “correlation kills” an investor’s opportunity for real returns. In a world filled with “buy and hold” advice, Jackass Investing is timely while being timeless.” 

Doug Bloom, CEO, Real Win Win
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