Determine Your Goals to Help Promote your Book

Guest Expert: Teresa Morrow

Your goal is to sell your book, right? However understanding the goals for your book will also be instrumental in your long term promotion efforts.

Determining your goals will give you the measurement of where your best efforts will be beneficial. Is your book going to be a connections tool, business supplement or prime source of income?

Connections Building item
Using a book as a promotional item can be used as such with offering a free chapter of your book or you can do as Carolyn Howard Johnson suggested in her previous post (The Anatomy of the Ebook) where she collaborated with some other authors to help spread the promotional “work” around. You can be creative when think about how to use a ebook as a promotional item. It is a great way to let others know about a new product, service or upcoming book.

Supplemental Item
Are you writing this book as a tool or to supplement other parts of your business. For instance, is your book going to be something you will be selling in the back of the room during your speaking engagements? Or are you a coach who will be using the book as part of your ongoing coaching programs. If so, then laying the foundation for book promotion will provide you with additional sources of connections with those who may be interested in obtaining you as a speaker and/or coach.

Freelance Writer or Fulltime Author
You want your writing to be your main source of income… you want to be a freelance writer or fulltime author. Is this book going to be your main source of income? If this is your goal, the importance of establishing a solid author platform (offline and online) by promoting yourself via articles, book reviews, and blogging will be important while you are writing your book.

A way to help streamline your ongoing book marketing efforts is to determine the goal of your book. This can be done by knowing if the goal of your book is for promotional, supplemental or freelance purposes.

Teresa Morrow combines her three passions: writing, reading and networking in her business, Key Business Partners, LLC. She manages online promotional and marketing campaigns for authors and writers. She is an Editor at Large at WE Magazine for Women ™ and active member of Women in eCommerce. Teresa is passionate about helping authors and writers share their unique message to the world and offers a 20 minute free consultation. She also contributes a weekly blog column at Successful Blog titled, “Social Media Book List” and monthly guest posts at Book in the series ” TGIF Book Marketing Tips”. For more information, you can contact her via email or visit her website.

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