Guest Expert: Roger C. Parker Mind mapping is a technique that visually displays ideas, and their relationships to each other. Authors can create mind maps by hand, on paper, or use one of the hundreds of computer software programs available. Mind mapping is important for authors because getting started is the hardest part of any […]
Why Reviews in Online Bookstores Matter
Guest Expert: Dana Lynn Smith Reviews and recommendations in online bookstores like and are a powerful selling tool. Many shoppers read book reviews before making a purchase, and reviews can be the tipping point that causes them to click the Buy button. In fact, a study by the Yale School of Management concluded […]
Marketing on Amazon? I Thought They Just List My Book
Guest Expert: Aggie Villanueva Amazon is much more than just the world’s largest bookstore. As an author you’ve made sure your book is listed on because everyone in the writing/promotion fields says you must. So what’s the big deal? You’ve actually made more sales to family and friends on your own than through Amazon. […]
Drumroll Please … The Next Generation of Facebook Marketing is Here!
The problem with today’s Facebook fan pages So you’re an author with a Facebook fan page. You’ve got book trailers, polls, quizzes, photo and writing contests running on your page. You’ve even got a few hundred “Facebook Likes” for your page. And yet your book sales are not going up. You then compare yourself to […]
Book Marketing: ‘Do You Know Where You’re Going To’ Is Not Only A Diana Ross Song
Guest Author: Emily Hill Whether one is a traditionally published author, or an IndieAuthor, the realization is soon reached that ‘nowadays’ book marketing lies squarely in the author’s lap if one is going to reach their readership potential. Any time I use the word ‘nowadays’ I enclose it in quotes because the original mention of […]
Amazon Book Marketing: A Social Networking Experience
Guest Expert: D’vorah Lansky, M.Ed. and Author of Book Marketing Made Easy: Simple Strategies for Selling Your Nonfiction Book Online. When you think of Amazon, the online “800 pound gorilla” of a bookstore what comes to mind? Do you think about the great price you are going to get on your book purchases? Do you […]
How Amazon Recommendation Algorithms Help Sell Your Book
Guest Expert: Joanna Penn A few weeks ago my friend Joel Friedlander sent me an email (partly shown left) that he had been sent by Amazon which recommended my novel Pentecost next to John Connolly whose supernatural mysteries I really love to read myself. I was absolutely overjoyed by the news! I put it on […]
If Your Book Is Available on Amazon Do You Have an Author Page?
Guest Expert: Phyllis Zimbler Miller If you are traditionally published and your publisher hasn’t done this for you, or if you are self-published and didn’t know to do this yourself, take advantage now of an Amazon author marketing opportunity by creating an Amazon Author Page. I just self-published my 86-year-old father’s comedy short story book […]
Book Marketing Tips: What Works, What Doesn’t
Guest Author: Rai Aren As an author, your success is ultimately in your own hands. We all have limited time, and that time must be split between writing and book marketing, amongst other things. Deciding how to spend that marketing time to get the best return on our investment is a critical success factor for […]
The Extreme Power of Social Networking & Digital Publishing
Bringing Great Authors To the Literary Realm Guest Author: Amy Lignor In 2007, as we all know, Amazon came out and launched an ‘e-reader.’ Many thought this was a joke, but I can honestly say that there is no one laughing now. Digital publishing and branding have become the ultimate ways to get ahead, or […]
A Mobile-friendly website: From Design & User Perspective
Guest Expert: Sharat Potharaju Research by Gartner has forecasted that by the year 2013, mobile phones will overtake PCs as the most common Web access device worldwide.With mobile market expected to reach 1.7 billion by 2013, a major bulk of your audience will be viewing your website or blog on a screen that takes up […]