Tear Avenger

Poetry, Mystery & Thrillers

By Joshua Heights

Publisher : Joshua Heights

ABOUT Joshua Heights

joshua heights
  Joshua Heights is a professional chef and a passionate writer. His first work TEAR AVENGER soon went to number one in the thriller genre of the e-book world. Next, a burst of heartfelt poems filled the pages ofLOVE , MARRIAGE,FRIENDSHIP, HATE. His latest release , a super novella ent More...



A beautiful Russian girl named Victoria , who's young life was shattered into darkness and despair from the wicked ways of a true life dragon. Her demons follow her into adulthood and all seems hopeless.. until a friend can not just stand by and watch the torment and abuse anymore.Taking matters in her own hands , all those bloody tear drops and broken hearts are soon avenged....one monster and one dragon at a time.

Tear Avenger Her heart so woeful and torn She cries for peace entangled in scorn A witness to the oppression and wicked abuse That spews from the Dragon’s ever burning fuse By the embers glow she quivers from the blows Endured by the one whose blood pools and flows Now cradled to her bosom consumed in fear Daughter consoles mother drowning in tears As the battered and bruised breathed her last breath The Dragon stands near smiling at delicious death And says, “This daughter dear is the way of the wicked In hell you will burn because you are afflicted “ Not giving in to the Dragons specter She slays him dead …… Behold ….. Tear Avenger