Genesis Rejuvenated

ABOUT Bill Jemas

Bill Jemas
Former President and Publisher of Marvel Entertainment, Bill Jemas wrote 2 of the world's best selling graphic novels, "Ultimate Spider-Man Vol.1" and "Origin", the origin of Wolverine. Upon his arrival at Marvel, the company was in Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. During his ten More...



This ground-breaking translation project begins with the oldest complete manuscript of the ancient scripture that has survived into modern times - the Leningrad Codex. provides laypeople with a unique set of translation tools that they can use to read the Word, word-for-word, along with detailed historical annotations that they can use to understand the original ideas.

According to a recent Gallup Poll, 32% of Americans believe that the Bible is literally true, but, less than 1% of us has actually read a verbatim translation, says Bill Jemas, 360ie s CEO. This is not for lack of trying. Americans are voracious Bible readers: nearly 90% of American households own at least one Bible and the average household owns four. With annual Bible sales at a staggering 25,000,000 books per year, the Bible is not only the best selling book of all time, but also America s best selling book every year.

We all read what other people say the Bible says, believing that we are getting a verbatim translation, Jemas added, but, once you read the ancient scripture for yourself, you won t believe that any more but, hopefully, you will gain new insights into the Bible.

"I saw a beautiful vision of God, a way to reconcile Creationism and Evolutionism, and a blueprint for how the human race can transform the earth into a place that's very good for all of us, for our children and for our fellow creatures.

What will you see?"