ABOUT Angela Shelton

Angela Shelton
I am Angela Shelton - Author, Actor, Orator As a Funny Public Speaker, Writer, Screenwriter, Blogger and Author, I Empower Women, Parents, Teachers and Mommy Bloggers and Inspire all survivors of abuse to heal and lead joyful lives. I also am Safe Side Superchick from the wonderful Safe  More...



My mother 's emails are as rambling as her life has been. In the movie, Tumbleweeds, you saw a slice of my life with her, literally. Every time I get an email from my mom I have to call my friends and read them aloud. After an audience formed, impatiently waiting to hear about my mom's life as a senior on the dating scene or the foods she was avoiding or how she’d changed her name yet again, I decided to compile a few years worth of her gems.