ABOUT Claude Dancourt

Claude Dancourt
Canadian with a passion for words and applied science. Indiana Jones' fanatic. Still looking to build a time machine. Love music, Ceylan tea, and Hazelnuts flavored coffee. Housing one plant and a cat with an attitude. Addicted to Doctor Who, Supernatural, and Magnum P.I. Team Loki.  Go Habs!



Neve Lass doesn’t investigate cheating spouses. She works for insurance companies, looks for missing people, and gathers information for researchers. And from time to time, she also clashes with Detective Ian “Jerk” Braich Jr.

Ian would love to wring Neve’s neck. He just can’t stand amateur sleuths, and even less the know-it-all, feminist type. And he can’t forget he owes his worst memories to her.

But one night, Neve is attacked in her own office. When Ian is assigned to the case, they have no choice but to learn to work together. But what do a dead homeless man, terrorists, and the mafia have to do with an art heist that happened twenty years ago? They’d better find the answer quickly, because their foes are as powerful as they are determined to see them dead.