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Weight Loss: 11 Step Weight Loss Breakthrough: Learn How to Make Weight Loss a Habit (Weight Loss, Weight Loss Motivation, Keeping Weight Off, Weight Loss ... Weight Loss: Easy Weight Loss for Men)

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Dude Not Perfect - 11 Step Weight Loss Breakthrough!


Why are you motivated to lose weight? Sluggish on the basketball court? Want to look good for the ladies? Do you want to wash laundry on your abs?

Whatever your motivation, it may not be strong enough to fight the urges our bodies have come equipped with from the time when cavemen went days without the taste of well charred woolly mammoth meat!

Listen, we have all gone through cycles of weight loss and weight gain. I know of very few guys that have had the steel trap mind to "will" themselves lean. The evidence suggests that even if you lose weight in a slow and measured way, you will most likely gain it back - and then some.

Nice to meet you. I am Dude Not Perfect.

I speak to those of you that are like me and my posse. We're not perfect. We like a good laugh and we try to do the best they can for family and friends. But we've got so much on the go that paying attention to diet and exercise is not always at the top of the list. We're squeezing into once loose fitting jeans and we don't like it.

It's time to take a stand (without sucking in those bellies)!

I've researched best practices and combined it with my own experience of what works. The Dude Not Perfect - 11 Step Plan will work for you.

It's not a terribly long book. I wouldn't read a long book on weight loss so I extend you that same courtesy. I'll leave the feel good fluff to someone else.

The book is straight to the point and broken down into three parts.

One. The basic biology of why we eat so damn much and why dieting doesn't work. And why our eating habits in the 21st century are like giving junkies the key to a meth lab.

Two. The 11 powerful steps that will allow you to successfully shed those pounds and keep them off. The steps are doable with flexibility that allows you to focus on what works best for you.

Three. A Summary of the 11 steps that you can tack to your headboard (or somewhere you'll bump into them) so you can revisit the steps easily.





Let me take you on a journey to a better body and a better life.



tags: weight loss for men, weight loss motivation, weight loss books, weight loss book, weight loss, lose weight, diet books, diet book, diet books for men, personal health, weight loss hacks, weight loss challenge




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