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Soul caller

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Members of ancient and modern traditions and cultures have used various techniques to induce extended perceptions of the spirit/energy world. The ancient art of the shaman to travel into different realms, to gather information for healing and protection of the individual and thereby assuring the survival of the community is sometimes accomplished by his/her ability to shift form, from the usual boundaries into a desired shape which will assure the successful retrieval of beneficial knowledge.

Creating images which stimulate perception and acknowledging differing points of view is the intent of the forthcoming book “Soul Caller” by William Bernard Brooks; it contains suggestions, images and text, for the path of the “Skin-Walker” (a Native American name for a person who is able to shape-shift).



Creating images which stimulate perception and acknowledging differing points of view is the intent of the forthcoming book “Soul Caller” by William Bernard Brooks; it contains suggestions, images and text, for the path of the “Skin-Walker” (a Native American name for a person who is able to shape-shift).


The Story Behind This Book

At the vernissage of my work in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, Adreana, a 13-year-old girl, all red-faced and excited approached me, grabbed my arm and declared, "Don William, all your pictures have spirits in them and they all talk to me." It was a marvelous confirmation of the process through which the images came into existence. Neither the taking of the pictures nor the production of the prints resulted from a preconceived idea of purpose or layout. Inspirited collaboration with the model in the wilderness of the Rocky Mountains resulted in the collection of works published in the book "Soul Caller". Spirits and interludes on the shamanic way manifested themselves according to our momentary awareness. The power of the images is undiluted, a result of the natural surroundings, a multitude of beings harmonizing, manifesting an intent, celebrating life. Meditate on the text, a confirmation of your own experience, dreams and connections to your creative powers may result. "La pura vida", as the young girl called it, was a gift, I brought back from Bolivia.

Praise and Reviews

In a world consumed by consumerism where everything yells at us, it is not easy to perceive the call of the soul. " Soulcaller" by William B. Brooks builds a golden bridge between surface and depth. The technique used by the renowned photographer is as simple as it is genial. He achieves, in a miraculous way, to merge nature and art, reality and possibility by permitting objects to become transparent that means the soul of the thing becomes visible.
For me, his art works are magical power images, which connect me in an immediate way to what Goethe once called " that ,which holds the essence of the world together". They mirror in a subtle way the oneness of all and reward the thoughtful observer with a spontaneous connection to his inner Self, which is nothing else but the "World Soul" itself. I can only recommend to accept these pictures and feel what they will do to you, after the motto. "Who feels it knows it".
Even so, no words are necessary; the short meditative text delivers a successful enrichment to the reader.




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