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Your Passionate Business

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Got an idea, want to create a business, then Your Passionate Businessteam and ebook is here to help you. We help you take you idea fromconception to implementation with an simple process that you learnabout from the ebook.

The purpose of Your Passionate Business(YPB) is to help people who want to start a business. We help you takea skill that you are passionate about and turn it into a business.

The Story Behind This Book

Recently, I was having a conversation with a neighbor who was getting ready to retire from her company and was looking at starting a new career. Since I run my own business, she asked me how things were going with my business and how could she get started with her own business. I gave her sound advice that she should create a business around a skill that she loves to do. My explanation is that if you create a business around something that you love to do then you will be less likely to stop if things become hard. Little did I know that after talking with her that I would get the idea to write the eBook &quot;Your Passionate Business&quot;. The purpose of this book is to help those looking to start a business, figure out what should be the focus of their business. The central theme is to help them determine that one skill that they are passionate about and then determine how they can turn it into a business. Knowing that many have found themselves laid-off, retiring or fired, they are looking for help to start their own business. &quot;Your Passionate Business&quot; starter is one option available to help them identify a business that they can develop. When a new business owner purchases Your Passionate Business, you will receive the following: <ul><li>Your Passionate Business eBook </li><li>Your Passionate Business starter kit </li><li>Social Media Roadmap starter kit </li><li>Twitter handbook </li><li>How to Hire a Virtual Assistant eBook </li></ul>

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