ALPHA & OMEGA - The Beginning...
In mankind's darkest hour,God's plan of the ages approaches itsconsummation. The world travails under the birth-pangs of theapproach of a new age. But whose "NewAge" will emerge triumphant? Will it be the"New World Order" of the Man of Sin,the Beast, called Antichrist? Or, will "thedesire of all nations"- Yeshua, the Messiah, the Alphaand the Omega - finally return, deliver His people from theirenemies and set up His Millennial Kingdom - athousand years of paradise on Earth.
Powerful and fantastic action-thriller. Kevin D. Morris weavesnon-stop action with apocalyptic events to produce a "can't put itdown 'til I'm finished this chapter" page-turner. If you liked the"Left Behind" series or Frank Peretti's "This Present Darkness",you'll thoroughly enjoy "Alpha & Omega -The Beginning...".Easily one of the best new ficton novels of the year.
The Story Behind This Book
Nations worldwide are in upheaval and at one another’s throat. The world’s economies are on the verge of collapse. Heinous crime, drug abuse, and immoral perversion are the accepted norms of society. Global terrorism abounds. The Holy Land is undergoing unprecedented stress and turmoil as the State of Israel strives to protect its very existence. In mankind’s darkest hour, God’s plan of the ages approaches its consummation. The world travails under the birth-pangs of the approach of a new age. But whose “New Age” will emerge triumphant? Will it be the “New World Order” of the Man of Sin, the Beast, called Antichrist? Or, will “the desire of all nations”- Yeshua, the Messiah, the Alpha and the Omega - finally return, deliver His people from their enemies and set up His Millennial Kingdom – a thousand years of paradise on Earth.