Dead Wrong
If boys will beboys, men will be…….
Friends who became brothers. Brothers who became partners incrime. Partners who became KINGs in the ATL drug game after leaving the infernothey set in the District (Washington, DC).
For years Tremaine and Preston shared everything fromaccomplishments to women. But with age came maturity. With maturation came PMS(power, money, sex), the fruits of their labor. Tremaine remains grounded tothe principles and foundations that their empire was built on while continuingto clean up the destructive paths left in Preston’s wake. Intoxicated andcorrupted by PMS, the latter cuts a void into his fiancee’s heart so deep shefilled it with the passion and love of the only man Preston feared…… Trey.
When given a dose of his own medicine Preston loses control,reveals a deadly secret, and outcasts Trey from the family. Worse he promises a2 million dollar payday to anyone in the “A” that is capable of killing hisformer best friend.
However, history had prepared Trey for the moment Satanreared his ugly head.
Book Trailer Story Behind This Book
The story behind this book is that you have to be aware of Karma
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