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Confident Horsemanship: Building Confidence While Improving Your Partnership With Your Horse

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Regardless of the type of riding you do (or even if you don't ride), the principles taught in 'Confident Rider Confident Horse' will help you to improve your confidence, understand and communicate better with your horse, and develop a trusting and respectful partnership.
Anne Gage, a respected clinician, horse trainer and riding coach, shares techniques she has learned through her own personal journey of losing and regaining her confidence. The book not only provides insight into what causes your fear (you may call it anxiety, tension or lack of confidence) and how to manage it, but also helps you understand your horse - why he behaves the way he does and how your behaviour affects him.
You will learn practical exercises that will keep you and your horse safe, calm and confident whether you are on the ground or in the saddle.

The Story Behind This Book

This book is a guide for anyone who is experiencing fear or loss of confidence around horses or in horse related activities. Fear and loss of confidence can happen at any time and to anyone regardless of their experience level – from beginner to professional. Fear is my friend. But it wasn’t always so. In the summer of 2006, I was bucked off one of my own horses. A horse I had bred, raised, trained and trusted. I had been self-employed as a horse trainer and riding coach for several years at this point. As a horsewoman with over 30 years of experience working with horses, I had come off horses many times before this event. For some reason, this one really shook my confidence and self doubt began creeping in. I would get nervous about getting on any horse. But, I had to get on clients horses. I would get on, but it took a great deal of mental preparation, and if at all possible, I would avoid riding. The fear was getting worse and was often irrational. Fear had become my adversary. If I wasn’t able to rebuild my confidence and control my fear, I would have to give up my profession and my passion and look for another way to make a living. I chose to learn how to overcome the fear. And that, really, is the first step for anyone dealing with fear or loss of confidence – making the choice to overcome it. The information in this book is based on lessons I have learned through my journey to regain my confidence and overcome my fear. The old adage about just getting back on after a fall doesn’t always work and sometimes is neither possible nor sensible. I share with you the tools that I have personally used and now teach to my private students and in my workshops. Overcoming fear and building confidence is primarily a mental battle. You need to take control of your thoughts, change beliefs that no longer serve you and stop your negative self talk – those tapes in your head that are so hard on you. This journey requires self reflection, determination, persistence and support. I wrote this book to provide you with some tools, support and assistance on your journey.

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