'Check Mates' is an original collection of fiction and poetry written about Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by the people who know best - Obsessive-Compulsives. Split between `realism' and stories of the `beyond', there is a diverse range of styles and genres, and a mix of rage, frustration, tears, violence, pain, heartache, subversion, love, strength, metaphysics, philosophy, friendship, hope, and even a bit of humour.
And maybe - just maybe - it will knock away a few stereotypes.
Featuring writing by:
`Kristen', Rose Gardener, `Heather', `Kristyn', Steven Mojsovski, Vrinda Pendred, `Sad Clown', Laura Power, Laura Chi, Jennifer Abrams, Sharon Meyer, `Ash', Mark W. Johnson, Beth Barker, E. I. Muse, `Rich Writer' and Ryan Arroyo
Illustrations by Stephen Leaver and Richard Krecker
Layout and Design by Lakshmi Shyamsunder and Vrinda Pendred
Part of the proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to OCD charities
The Story Behind This Book
Vrinda Pendred is a writer with 5 neurological conditions, including OCD. She met the other contributors to the book on OCD Tribe, a dedicated OCD social network. She soon decided to establish Conditional Publications as a specialist independent publishing house for writers like herself. 'Check Mates' is the company's first publication, and she hopes it will be the start of something inspirational.