Christian Books, Health, Mind & Body, Religion & Spirituality

By Roslyn Thorne-Robinson


ABOUT Roslyn Thorne-Robinson

Roslyn Thorne-Robinson
Roslyn Thorne-Robinson is an anointed woman of God with a burning passion to see His name be glorified here on earth through her writing, teaching, and musical gifts. She is called to help build confidence, faith, and the love of Jesus Christ in people using God's infallible Word. Roslyn i More...


Confidence has many meanings. We can be confident in ourselves or our abilities, confident that something will happen, confident about certain facts (including salvation), confident in God’s promises. We can also take someone into confidence, which denotes a great deal of trust. Confidence can lead down two tracks: it can lead to a cocky self-confidence, which results in pride and boasting (“I’m the best”), or it can lead to an inner assurance, which produces a healthy self-esteem and a sure conviction of where you are going. The word for confidence is also translated often in the Holy Bible as boldness.
The freshness of this book and its contents make it essentially superior to others of a similar kind. To men and women desirous to gain confidence, this book will be a repertory of reference for those reading and teaching on this fascinating subject. The author has read much, thinks clearly, and writes well in a most winsome and engaging manner.

- Daniele Luciano Moskal (Publisher)