Don't Bitch Just Get Rich
Don’tBitch Just Get Rich
Seven ordinary people, addicted to bitchingabout their struggles to make ends meet, and convinced that their lives willnever be much more than sheer slog, enrol in a personal development course thatchanges their lives. A philosopher-cabbie, a cynical hard-nosed English womanand her estranged husband, a middling salesman and his boss, a café manager anda hairdresser find themselves at the mercy of a teacher who refuses to pamperthem with the usual, empty get rich prattle.
Toney Fitzgerald stands in front of the classwith a message. There’s little poetry in making money, he says, and there’seven less in poverty. In one hand he holds the hammer of reality and, in theother, the gauntlet of defiance.
Mixingfiction, experience and teaching, he leads them through ruthlessself-examination, preparing them to break through the Bitch barrier to thericher world beyond. Eventually, they face the most serious choice of theirlives; either they will make the one, unbreakable, lifelong promise that willradically change the directions of their lives or they will remain forever in astate of self-induced helplessness. Not all make it.
Packed with common sense, original insightsinto human change management and practical advice about money matters, ToneyFitzgerald keeps his own promise in the book; by the time you get to the end,you will no longer have an excuse to bitch.
Praise and Reviews
Hi Toney ....truth is truth i have read 100's of books and nothing comes close to what you have put together i honestly think that anyone can build a million $ biz with that book alone as it covers everything from inspiration to strategy and accomplishment.........hope it floods the more miracles......C
Christophe Eid
Have purchased 6 copies of Don't Bitch, just get Rich as Christmas presents.... I love the book
Karen Wagner
Portland USA
Thank you Toney your book is fantastic. I have just started it I loved your intro
Kind regard
Mick Rogers
Toowoomba QLD
I have just purchased your Don’t Bitch Just Get Rich book and am almost half way through it. From the pit of my stomach, the depths of my heart and the expanse of my soul: thank you, thank you, thank you. It takes genius to see the obvious and you have put it in this book. This person (me) has known about the tools for change but he's always left them laying around, unused. You have given me the answer and again I thank you for the challenges and changes that are in store for me.
Robert Elliot
Wollongong NSW
I read a lot of books on wealth creation and
Toney’s book “Don’t Bitch, Just Get Rich” would have to be one of the best
simply because it deals with what is going on with you and making you
responsible for your situation….no-one else.
Even more importantly, this book provided me with an “a-ha!” moment that has
already changed my life and I believe will continue to do so.
Thank you, Toney!
Dale J Gatherum-Goss
Property Accountant and Author of Trust Magic (Property Investment)
Dear Toney,
I was intrigued by the title of your book, 'Don't Bitch Just Get Rich' as I am a volunteer with a charitable organisation where our efforts to do good work for native wildlife is often hampered by a lack of funds. Not only did I discover valuable ways that I could contribute to my branch getting more creative and more positive in attracting funds, but I found valuable insights that are helping me reach personal goals faster than ever. Especially helpful were your suggestions to 'say no to a time robber a day' and to not analyse why you do things but instead ask yourself what you do and what you would like to do instead and just do it. It's so important sometimes to stick to the facts of a problem. I also think the book had a wonderful Australian balance about it. So many 'motivational' books are just hype with no substance. Your book as a lot of substance. I hope as many people as possible read your book so that we can become a society of rich people - not just materially but emotionally and spiritually - so that we all have more that we can give back into the world.
Best wishes,
Belinda Alexandra
Having read much investment and success literature, I was really pleased that “Don’t Bitch Just Get Rich” contained useful and new information for me, of particular use was Toney’s Rich Matrix and Bitch Matrix distinctions. I also gained benefit from the “Empowering Promise” which shows the potential strength of ones word and its power to help create a life you love. Toney’s writing style is extremely readable and entertaining. He makes great use of personal stories to convey his message. Thanks for a great read Toney. Keep up the great work!
-Anastasia Lavis
I read Toney’s book in one sitting. I really wanted to know what was holding me back and how I could overcome my own inertia in the business arena. The key was simple – just as all the best keys are – an unbreakable promise to myself! This book takes you through the process of setting up this promise and then it’s up to you! Will you jump? Because if you don’t no one else is going to push you! Great book.
Munaiba Khan, Principal, The Copywriter Online –
Hi Toney,
Your book, “Don’t Bitch, Just Get Rich” is a step by step guide to personally coach yourself and others, into the state of personal Metanoia. Mate, for me, it has worked!
In the last four weeks I have done things I have always procrastinated doing, (Starting a structured fitness regime, giving up caffeine, preparing a personal business plan) and along the way, about eight other people have purchased your book upon my recommendation. The Empowering Promise seems to be the Key to long- term, lifelong success!!
My wife and I have two intellectually disabled children (autism), and I have always felt risk-averse in going out on my own. Not anymore!!
Toney, I just wanted to congratulate you on the book, and let you know you have made a difference in my life!
Best Regards,
John Davidson
Hi Toney,
Don't Bitch Just Get Rich is so useful for every area of life – keeping a budget, a diet and my cool. There were many quips and quotes I’ve kept in my journal for reflection.
Kind regards,
One of my clients recommended this book to me and to be honest, at the time I wasn't in the frame of mind to 'get rich' so I didn't buy it straight away. I only purchased it after another conversation with her when she told me it was as much about richness of life as it was about getting rich in the monetary sense. How grateful I am to her! I've read so many personal development books in my life but this one really shifted something in me. So much so that a year after reading it, I have a much clearer picture of where I am going both personally and professionally, I am more in control of my finances than I have ever been in my life, I feel happier and more at peace with myself AND...the turnover in my business has nearly doubled (so it looks like I'll get rich anyway!). I highly recommend this practical and entertaining might just change your life.
Kate James
book is a genuine worthwhile read.
It is written with a wonderful twist of humour but delivers a content that is
personally challenging. It challenges because in small subtle ways you start to
question how you can improve the way in which you live your life... To be all
that you can be!!!!! (whatever that is for each of us)
Sometimes in life it is the little differences that make the big difference.
I found this book helpful in practical ways that I could apply the lessons
quickly. The case studies on the characters in the book were stories I could
relate to, so I found the book easy to read. The humour is very earthy and
I would recommend this book for those aiming to fulfill their potential.
Sri Maxwell
I've read many books on wealth creation but this one really hits the mark! Why? Because it talks to all areas of life, not just making money (as one might imagine given the title). It makes you take a good look into your life and ask the hard questions - like "what do I really, really want?". This is a book that you'll want to read over and over again, each time learning a little more about yourself and where you are headed. Love it!
Maria Furrugia
I have my own business and I felt a little stale, I was looking for some inspiration so I picked up Toney's "Don't Bitch Just Get Rich" book because I loved the title. I really thought it would be like the rest of the motivation books out there, but this gave me another level of thinking and made me relate to allot of my own situations. This book taught me allot about moving ON and UP in life. I read the book about 5 months ago and I couldn't put it down, I have implemented what I have learnt and my business and personal life is NO longer stale, but flourishing. I would like to personally thank Toney for his gift so powerful....the book has really changed my life!! Libby.
Libby Selep
This book is very insightful, and truly life changing. It was a very personal guide about exactly how to increase my wealth. This book was easy to read, and a pleasure to read. It gave me ideas that I would never think of on how I can start on the road to becoming very,very rich. Toney, without a doubt lives up to the rave reviews about this book. An excellent read!
Jennifer Boylan
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