ABOUT Helen Ayres

Helen Ayres



However hard you work, you're bound to find yourself under attack at times in your work life. Every single knock, knock-back, rejection and criticism has the potential to decrease your confidence and achievement, and can set you back on your path to success. But how do you turn a crisis into an opportunity, and make yourself bulletproof?

In Be Bulletproof, corporate trainers James and Simon Brooke reveal the top practical solutions for strengthening your resilience so you can bounce back from any setback, kick or bruise.

Learn how to protect yourself from workplace hazards such as: harsh criticism, company politics, hostile colleagues, repeated rejection, bruising redundancy and your own mistakes.

This is an essential guide for anyone looking to get ahead at work - or wanting to armour themselves for the warzone that can be the workplace.

Overcome any obstacle to win success at work

However good you are, there are always times you come under fire at work. But how do you turn a crisis into an opportunity, and make yourself bulletproof?

In Be Bulletproof, business trainers James and Simon Brooke reveal the top practical solutions for strengthening your resilience - so you can bounce back from every setback, rejection or criticism. You'll learn to be confident, positive and self-assured in the face of any office adversity.

Arm yourself against workplace hazards like:

harsh criticism and hostile colleagues

company politics and bad bosses

rejection and failure

redundancy or losing your job

and - dare we say it? - your own mistakes