Almost Persuaded: Miss Mary King

Almost Persuaded: Miss Mary King

ABOUT P. O. Dixon

P. O. Dixon
P O Dixon acknowledges arriving rather late in the game. Her initial exposure to Pride and Prejudice was in 2007. After watching the 2005 film at least two times a day for as many weeks, she determined she needed to know much more of the story's hero. After reading the novel, along with se More...


Mary King admired George Wickham from the moment she first set eyes on him. Handsome and charismatic, he satisfied her every notion of what a consummate gentleman ought to be. She longed to garner his affection. He, on the other hand, never once looked her way. What happens when Mary becomes the heiress of ten thousand pounds? As the adage goes, be careful what you wish for. Will Mary learn the meaning of this sentiment the hard way? 


This Pride and Prejudice SHORT STORYfollows Miss Mary King's search for love. What she finds may or may not be what she wants, but will it be precisely what she needs?

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