do work different: dare to grow what's possible: with new abc's for business & life

ABOUT Catherine Lee

Catherine Lee
A second-generation, Silicon Valley entrepreneur, Catherine Adams Lee started her first business at 25. Throughout her varied career as a small business owner, founder of five companies and corporate consultant, Catherine has brought workplace change and innovation to over 2,000 businesses More...


everyone is different.
From the moment we are born our life will be different from the person born one moment before us and one moment after us. Our work and business life will also be profoundly different, as they will be the sum total of all our unique dreams, desires and experiences.
do work different.
Catherine Adams Lee brings a fresh perspective to this crazy thing we call work. Through personal stories and her new alphabet for work, she starts each with a provocative “what if,” asking and answering questions around the very nature of the work, the people and processes with which we interact and the personal self we bring to work, business and life in general.
make a difference.
Culminating in her abc’s of different work, she offers us a new business vocabulary of numerous options to explore, and dare to grow, what’s possible in our everyday work, businesses and lives. Encouraging us, whether we own, run or work for a business, to:
• be part of our own solutions
• cultivate our ability to do different
• dare to do by daring to be our true selves
What if doing different really did make a difference?