Introduction to Mahabharata: Lessons on Life and Businesses

ABOUT Martini Fisher

Martini Fisher
Martini Fisher is a mythographer and lecturer. Her first series of books, "Wayang: Stories of the Shadow Puppets," is a look at the ancient stories of Javanese creation myths as told in its traditional performances. Spending most of her time in Asia and Australia, Martini started More...



“It is possible to take practical lessons from mythology.”

We seldom look at mythology as something that has practical lessons to make our life easier. Yet, it is closer to real life than we imagine. The Five Pandava Brothers of the ancient Hindu Epic Mahabharata represents many facets of ancient and modern lives from imperfections to ideal business leaders.

Martini Fisher introduces a different way to look at the Ancient Epic Indian Literature that is Mahabharata and present its practical lessons for the modern audience.

This ebook serves as a preview of the Online Course by the same name.