For Authors

Book Marketing 101

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Learn how to promote your book with public speaking, media appearances, bookstore signings and interviews. Use compelling and persuasive reviews to generate sales. Create published articles that will deliver readers to your landing page. Generate interest and manage your fan base with blogs, social networking, and e-mail marketing. Use newspaper and magazine articles to generate interest, along with e-mail and fax blasts. Take advantage of important book fairs, conferences, and conventions. Generate a Facebook fan page and use targeted Facebook ads. Connect with readers via LinkedIn and discuss your book in the many varied LinkedIn groups and discussion threads. Learn how to create a winning web site landing page, with successful tags and key words. Select a web site landing page that offers excellent analytics. Connect it to the world with links to global retailers and instant connection to your video trailer. Create an impressive synopsis web site that will generate interest. Use click-through technology for Internet retailers and brick & mortar bookstores. This book has everything you'll need to generate interest with effective marketing techniques. Create and manage your fan base and deliver continual sales increases. Promote your author platform with viral marketing.

The Story Behind This Book

If you’re an author, especially for fiction, your author platform is your critical pathway to reach readers. Authors who can build, maintain, and leverage their platforms will have a significant competitive advantage over those who cannot. Think of author platform as a multi-layered infrastructure that allows you to reach both existing and potential readers. Elements of this infrastructure emerge whenever you interact with social media followers, in all possible ways. It includes subscribers, blog fans, your Facebook Fan Page, LinkedIn marketing, etc. Platform encapsulates your celebrity. You must constantly leverage your platform into social media opportunities; to reach potential new fans, to get your message out. There are two primary factors that will drive sales of your book. The first is consumer awareness. The second is desire. Once a consumer is aware of your product or brand, they must desire it sufficiently to make a purchase. This book is remarkably simple. It's a short "how-to" manual for marketing your talent and celebrity. There are no miracles here. No pill you can take and it's over. Marketing your book(s) can be described as. "Difficult, often tedious" and "sometimes expensive." But it's not rocket science.

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