IS IT NOW? The End of Days!
IS IT NOW? The End of Days! is a study of the End Time Prophecies that is found in the Bible.
Praise and Reviews
Rated: Four Becons A Great Read!Reviewed by: Deanna
IS IT NOW? The End of Days!
By Nancy Lee Shrader
A Bible Study, in the true meaning of the word. The author keeps stating that she learned these things in her own course of the Bibles she has read and written about. The things to keep watch for and be ready for are all true scriptures. At times I thought she was a preacher. The Biblical references were accurate. The author reveals her own true thoughts of the passages quoted. Although controversial, it is revealing to see a true Bible Study done in her own words. The author is highly knowledgeable in the religious aspects. One can find themselves in the midst of a very provoking thought and find that the author is thinking the same. End Time Prophecies are quoted, reviewed and explained through the author’s eyes.
This is a very controversial read. Though, not a theologian’s best kept secret, secrets are revealed. This author truly believes. A highly revealing, in depth Bible Study! The author’s thoughts are provoking at best.
Reviewer: Anastasia
Four Stars
Review of IS IT NOW? The End of Days!
Rated as Excellent Five Full Feathers!
Over the course of several years I have read many books on the "End Time" events that are told about in scripture. Quite often those books used "theologically correct terminology," which proved to be more confusing that it did in answering questions. I had the opportunity to read the book, IS IT NOW? The End of Days! By Nancy Shrader and what a book it was. Is it Now? The End of Days is one of the easiest to understand books on prophecy that I have ever read. Not only is this book filled with scriptures releating to end time events, it sounds a clarion call to people everywhere to come to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Nancy Shrader will be the first to tell you that by no means is she considered to be a Bible Scholar or a renowned prophecy scholar, minister or educator. Nancy may not use the big words that you would expect to find in a study of this nature, but rather uses everyday words that most folks can and will understand. While you may not agree with everything that Nancy Shrader has written you must admire her zeal to search scriptures to find the truth. If you are looking for a clear, easy to read, understandable book on end time events, then IS IT NOW? The End of Days! is the book for you.
Tom Ward, author
The Enemy Within
Outposts of Hell or Portals to Heaven
Warrior Ministries of Oklahoma
Review by James Mckinley Hibbard Author : SIN OF THE POPPAS
Rated Five StarsWe have heard great sermons preached about: The end of time . . . Days, watched movies and even read many books concerning this prophecy. Yet I doubt, if such prophetic inspiration has ever gone to such depth as: Nancy Lee Shrader's new book: "Is It Now? The End Of Days!"
Using the Bible and scripture, upon scripture the author backs up her words and views, not only concerning the end days, but of what we must do afterward, where we will go ( as believer's) and explains the kingdom of Heaven, that awaits those who endure: the glorious coming of the Lord. The author offers her: Inspiration and wisdom of words to the readers of her book, as a study of prophetic signs. It has most definitely left this reader wondering: are we now living in the end days? Read this book, then you decide: Is it now and are we ready?
Thank you, Nancy Lee, for this book to study by.
James McKinley Hibbard
Author of: Sin Of The Poppas.
REVIEW By Alissa Dunn
Author: The Unclaimed Christmas Gift
Rated Five StarsIn Nancy Lee Schrader's book, "IS IT NOW? The End of Days!" readers will discover a wealth of information regarding what the Bible says about the end of the world as we know it. Her format is much like a handbook, providing not only the verse, but also including the text of the verse so the reader doesn't have to go back and forth between the Bible and her book. The book is in a reader-friendly format, and makes an excellent study guide. It is obvious that Nancy has done a great deal of extensive research and put a herculean effort into this work. I was impressed with her ability to share the truth in a very direct, yet unpretentious manner. I also found it very interesting to review the differences she noted between the King James Version of the Bible and the New International Version. I recommend this book for any person who is interesting in doing a self-paced study, as well as a group study course, regarding the Rapture. Are we truly in the end times? I am certain if you! read this book, you will be more certain of the answer to that question.
review by - Alissa Dunn,
author of The Unclaimed Christmas Gift.
Review: Donna Thompson Author of Plot Twist
Rated Five StarsThe signs are all around us, but are believers as well as non-believers seeing them. Nancy Lee Shrader gives us her personal interpretation of the scriptures, but also gives us the references to check them out for ourselves. Another thing I like about Nancy's book, is the fact, she uses down to earth language to get her point across.
Most of us have heard stories about what we can expect at the end of time, but Nancy Lee has given Bible verses to back up what she believes. Are we living in the days God calls the beginning of sorrows? Not everyone will agree, but her book will certainly leave readers asking that all important question. IS It Now The End of Days? By reading Nancy's book and the bible, we are closer to having an answer.
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