SMARTSTART Guide to Pricing
It's everything you need to know when determining what to charge clients for your products, programs and professional services. Purchase now includes 1-hour audio recording of The SMARTSTART Pricing Clinic to complement what you'll learn from reading the book.
The Story Behind This Book
Our SMARTSTART Business Success members voted on the first topic for our Healthy Business Workbook series. Their challenges with pricing led to the launch of this eBook. The number one problem facing the newly self-employed is determining what to charge clients for their work and professional expertise. But most people have no idea where to start or how to do the research. As a result, they lose a lot of client business and leave badly needed revenue on the table. Right pricing yourself is easy, when you know how to approach this business critical task and use the correct formulas for setting your hourly rate. You are in charge of getting paid what you're worth. The future of your business depends on it.
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