Vivid Unrealities

Entertainment & Style, Poetry, Humor

By Andy Sweeney

Publisher : FreeformWorks

ABOUT Andy Sweeney

Andy Sweeney
UK Poet and former guitar-tickling indie-rockster, Andy Sweeney studied Fine Art, Photography and Psychology at colleges in England. In recent years he spent much of his time travelling in search of human origins and was last seen backpacking into the Belize jungle in 2012.


Dark, Funny, Addictive: 


Too drunk, stark naked, part monkey, half faking SOMETHING... It's time to stop being afraid and grab the horns by the bull!


In this unconventional book of freeform works, layers are peeled back and insides pulled out exposing an emotive and idiosyncratic way of seeing. Edgy and gutsy, Vivid Unrealities cuts into the heart with a magic that motivates your thinking flaps - This is no ordinary read...


What's Inside?

Love, loss, weirdness, bewilderment, involvement, indulgence, intoxication, extremes, laughter, philosophy, psychology. Sometimes hard, often intense, occasionally gentle, always insightful and at times genuinely funny.