A Voice Of Reason In An Unreasonable World - The Rise Of Atheism On Planet Earth
It is said our species is separate from all others by our ability to reason. Then why are there so many unreasonable people in the world who stubbornly cling to outdated, irrelevant, disproven and often dangerous superstitious beleifs?
For the last several thousand years the world was controlled by powerful and corrupt religions. Anyone who questioned their doctrine, dogma or superstition was routinely dispatched with extreme prejudice.
But the tides are turning. Organized religion is losing it's credibility to the groundbreaking discoveries made by the scientific community which is continually providing empirical evidence for what was once held sacred. With the advent of the World Wide Web and through the tireless efforts of civil rights organizations and advocates of reason, our species advances further into the post-modern world.
This is positive growth, but the growing pains are giving the earth and many of it's inhabitants some very ugly battle scars. The steady and dramatic rise of dangerous, militant, fundamentally extremist terror cults are filling our streets with blood and infecting the minds our youth with poison.
Al Stefanelli offers insight as to why this will get a lot worse and how important it is to the survival of our species that we do not give up and go quietly into that good night.
Other topics in this book include how the fundamental extremists in the United States are affecting the quality and content of public education, race relations, the first amendment violations being committed by politicians from the office of the President all the way down to local town councils and the growing problem of sectarianism within the United States Armed Forces.
Al Stefanelli also examines how the memetics of religious belief can cause othewise intelligent, well adjusted and sane people people to hold beliefs and act out in ways that can only be described as delusional, sometimes bordering on psychotic.
You will also enjoy Al's "Greatest Hits." A large collection of the most requested articles and commentaries, refreshed and updated.
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