Ten Reasons Why You Should be Blogging

Guest Expert: Penny C. Sansevieri With all the Tweeting, Facebook Liking, and LinkedIn connecting going on, it’s easy to forget about blogging and finding the time to do so. Blogging, however, can be extremely useful for more reasons than just populating your website with content (although that’s important too). Let’s look at some reasons why […]

The Right (and Wrong) Way to Comment on Blogs

Expert: Dana Lynn Smith Commenting on other people’s blogs is a great way to get visibility, build relationships with bloggers, subtly promote your book, and get links back to your site (if the site gives “do-follow” links). But you can hurt your credibility if you go about it the wrong way. Here are some tips […]

Twelve Big Blog Booboos

Or How to Make Your Blogging Efforts a Big Waste of Time Expert: Carolyn Howard-Johnson Blogging is easy. Blogging is fun. That’s both good and bad. The downside is that the ease and fun of it often obscure the need to take it seriously enough to make it worth an author’s time. I often coach […]

Determine Your Goals to Help Promote your Book

Guest Expert: Teresa Morrow Your goal is to sell your book, right? However understanding the goals for your book will also be instrumental in your long term promotion efforts. Determining your goals will give you the measurement of where your best efforts will be beneficial. Is your book going to be a connections tool, business supplement […]

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