5 Tips On Setting E-Books Prices

Guest Expert: Tony Eldridge The self-publishing industry is certainly changing and this can certainly be seen in the e-book segment. It’s safe to say that e-books are now fully embraced by the traditional publishing industry as well. Even so, the e-publishing industry is still maturing and things will look radically different a year from now than […]

The Great Benefits of E-Reader Publishing

Guest: Bethany Ramos The publishing industry is definitely changing, and today, these great changes center around e-books. Even the hottest bestsellers on the shelves are being formatted to e-readers so that they can be enjoyed by readers anywhere on devices like the Kindle. Speedy Publishing Process Perhaps one of the greatest benefits to e-reader publishing […]

Kindle Singles, New “Short” Publishing

Guest Expert: Aggie Villanueva Until recently authors had two choices, write it short enough to fit into a magazine/newspaper/blog or long enough for a whole book. Kindle Singles changes all that for major publishing. Beginning 2011 it’s a store unto itself. Amazon explained in this October 12, 2010 news release, “…in many cases, 5,000 to […]

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