How to Make a Podcast

The Easiest Way to Podcast for Non-Techies Guest Expert: Shelley Hitz Podcasts are a great way to market your books and podcasts, but how do you get started? In this post, I’m going to share with you how to make a podcast, even if you consider yourself a “non-techie.” In the past, I have used several […]

Getting Started with Video Blogging

Guest Expert: Joel Friedlander My roots in publishing are firmly planted in the print world. Paper made from trees, books bound in boards covered with cloth, signatures sewn together with thread. Books have always been–until recently–very solid physical objects. You can use them as weights, as doorstops, you can throw one (I don’t recommend it) […]

The Three C’s to Sneak Peek Trailers

Guest Expert: Sandie Lee Congratulations! You’ve written and published a book, that alone is an accomplishment! However, getting your book into the hands of your potential audience may not be that easy. Sure the invention of ebooks, Kindles and online book stores increase your chances, but how will the reader find your book among the […]

Authors Oughta Podcast about . . .

What, Exactly — & for Whom? Guest Expert: Laurel Marshfield Some observers say that podcasting (which used to be referred to as webcasting) has been around since 1998, or so, even though it was dubbed “podcasting” – a cross between iPod and broadcasting – in circa 2004. In either case, it’s been around for a […]

Your Name Is Your Brand…

Guest Expert: Lexi Revellian Your Name Is Your Brand… …unless you are JK Rowling, then your brand is also Harry Potter. But that’s only because she hasn’t yet written anything else. So make the most of it. It is said that consumers need to see an item seven times before it registers enough with them […]

Teamwork: You and Your Business Cards

Expert: Carolyn Howard-Johnson I devote much of my time giving people tips on how to do things frugally. Business cards are, indeed, frugal. Let me share a few of my own frugal ideas for using business cards directly from my book The Frugal Book Promoter. I love business cards. The plain old, business-size cards fit […]

YouTube trailer for BookBuzzr

We are pleased to announce that Sandie Lee a freelance writer has created the sneak peak trailer for BookBuzzr. She has done sneak peek trailers for several authors and also contract herself out (personally and through Ascot Media). Her company is called TattleTott Productions and her work can be seen through the YouTube channel at; […]

Talk About Marketing Books!

Guest Author: P.I. Barrington There are lots of ways to market books. Getting reviews, doing blog tours, posting guest blogs, even radio interviews are priceless in marketing your book and I mean that as a double entendre’: they are usually free and you get sometimes huge audience exposure! But there is another mode of marketing […]

How To Create A Podcast

Guest Expert: Joanna Penn Podcasting is a brilliant way to reach people with your brand, whether it’s through interviewing experts in your niche or podcasting your novel. Multi-media posts also enable people to get to know you in a more personal way. People need to know, like and trust you in order to buy your […]

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