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From Do To Be: Moving to Brazil

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Having moved to Brazilalmost a year ago has been one of the most challenging things I have ever donein my life.  I say this after havinglived in this beautiful country for the last 10 months, experiencing a life intransition, and building a new identity as I adapt to my new home.

Changing my life story fromwhat I have known to what I have now chosen in my new life has been a fairlylengthy process, one that I am to this day co-creating.  Moving abroad to a new country is much easiersaid and agreed to even, than being done. Especially when that country speaks a different language than your own,has a very different sense of culture and style, and none of my old family andfriends, other than my dear husband and daughter.  This can seriously throw even the mostgrounded person off balance.  In thisarticle, I will explain what it is like to move abroad, what to expect, and howto both plan for some of the changes you will likely experience as you becomesettled in your new home.  I will alsooutline some of the challenges that I faced, along with how my commitment tochange and the support of my family helped me through this time, and what Ilearned in the process.  It just wasn’t thatcommon a thing for people to move abroad until recently, unless you are adiplomat or the like, making it difficult to find this information even when Ilived in the metropolitan city of Los Angeles, California.  However there are more and more people who aremoving abroad nowadays, with the globalization of the world.  My intention is to help others planning to moveor having recently moved to South America, or going through similar life transitionsinvolving the change of significant roles. Included in the final chapter, Part 7, are some great exercises to applysome of these lessons I learned to your life. 

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