Glimmers of Hope : A Memoir of Zambia
The true story of a London schoolteacher, who, tiredof the rat race and brooding over a failed relationship, uproots and volunteersto teach in rural Africa for two years. Sent to the Republic of Zambia with aremit to teach maths, HIV and Gender awareness, he finds eager pupilsstruggling in a tough environment. In between battling snakes, stomach bugs anddeath-defying bus journeys , Mark finds both hope in unusual places, andcorruption where he least expects. This memoir is both a recollection of hismore vivid memories of eastern province, and his reflections on problems inZambia and their possible causes. It is also a useful study of the physical andpsychological challenges that a volunteer may face in Africa
The Story Behind This Book
My own experience of working with the Aid industry in the developing world. A story of corruption and hope in a semi-wild rural setting.
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