Money Matters: The Get It Done in 1 Minute Workbook

Business, Money & Investing

By Shay Olivarria

Publisher : Create Space

Money Matters: The Get It Done in 1 Minute Workbook

ABOUT Shay Olivarria

Shay Olivarria
I'm a speaker and author. I love working with students across the US. 


Money Matters: The Get It Done in 1 Minute Workbook tackles common money concerns and answers the questions simply and quickly. Worksheets are provided to help you take control of your money. 

I've worked with youth for over 10 years and the one thing all the students in San Diego, Los Angeles, Dallas, and Philadelphia had in common was that they were concerned with money. Regardless if I was teaching about education, society, manners, truancy, etc. the conversation always came back around to money. My goal is to bring financial literacy out of it's ivory tower and bring it the communities. We all use money, shouldn't we understand what we're doing?