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This book is for everyone who is in need of a unfailing healing process from the Lord. This is an easy to read and understand guide to the Lord's word on healing. It will help you if you believe!

The Story Behind This Book

The purpose of this book is to teach and encourage others of the healing power of God. If God healed me He can also heal you. During the course of my Christian walk, I have come in contact with a lot people that were in need of a healing. I would pray with them and they would get healed. Some kept their healing while others did not. The ones who kept their healing had Faith to believe that God was their healer and those that could not believe did not stay healed. I want everyone to know that it only takes a little Faith to believe and receive your healing, but you must believe.

Praise and Reviews

This is a wonderful power packed book that ANY reader or "non" reader would love!  I gave it to my cousin who I have not been able to reach in any capacity and have not been able to get the book back from her!  She says each time she reads it, she seems to get more from it!  I plan on giving her an autographed copy of HER OWN as a gift!  THANK GOD for this book!  It is always such a blessing to be able to share GOD'S WORD!

Joan E. Gosier
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