Step Up by Stumbling

Improve on your book marketing with StumbleUpon Guest Expert: Anita Brady Marketing your book is not the same animal it was only a few short years ago. With the evolution of Facebook and the staggeringly fast bloom of social media sites, reaching your target readership can be a sticky web to untangle. But once you’ve […]

Climbing the Amazon ladder . . .

Guest Expert: Scott Hunter Following the milestone of 27,000 Kindle copies sold of my archaeological thriller, The Trespass, Freya has invited me to share a few marketing tips . . . Here, in no particular order, are some of the actions I have taken over the past eight months which I believe have contributed (and […]

My Views On Self Publishing: Dino Simonetti

Guest Expert: Dino Simonetti Consider this-when a writer asks you to buy a book, they’re asking you to trust them. They’re asking you to part with hard-earned dollar (well unless its an e-book). When a reader buys the book, we’re hopeful they’ll love it enough to tell their friends etc. to buy/read it as well. […]

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