How to Create a Viral QuickQuiz

Some of you may already know about the new viral book marketing technology from BookBuzzr named QuickQuiz. This book marketing technology can be extremely powerful when used in the right way. This article gives you a few guidelines on how to create a QuickQuiz game that gets you the best returns on the time that […]

Going Digital with eBooks

Guest Expert: Paula Krapf “Books are no more threatened by Kindle than stairs by elevators.” Stephen Fry What’s relatively inexpensive to produce, has a quick turnaround time, and is Evergreen? In the publishing world, we’re talking about eBooks. Once mostly unknown and obscure documents with limited distribution, eBooks in some cases now outsell hardback and […]

Book Review: ‘Get Published Today’ by Penny Sansevieri

For too long, the publishing industry has been a mysterious, clubby, closed business. Authors have had to struggle with a number of unanswered questions. Questions like, “What makes a best-seller?”, “What is a Co-op?” or “What are Reserves against returns?” In her book, ‘Get Published Today’, Penny Sansevieri answers such questions and more. The sub-title […]

Got a 5-Star Amazon Presence?

How to Stand Out on Those Overcrowded Online Shelves Guest Expert: Laurel Marshfield is the world’s largest online bookseller. And if you’re an author with one or more books, it is the one place you most definitely want to be. Getting visibility, though, is no easy task. You are competing with millions of books, […]

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