Book Marketing Mondays: Authors & Marketers: The 5 Most Asked Questions Answered

Guest Expert: Jo-Anne Vandermeulen Throughout the year, I have had many opportunities to submit and host interviews. Some have been author focused…others have been market focused…and yet, my favorite is a blend. Perhaps it’s time not to consider both as separate. Wouldn’t your life be a lot easier if you combined yourself as both an […]

TGIF Book Marketing Tips: Everything You Do Online Reflects on Your Book

Everything You Do Online Reflects on Your Book: Make Sure That Reflection Is Professional Guest Expert: Phyllis Zimbler Miller This month’s guest post is a natural extension of last month’s guest post “Do Your Offline and Online Book Promotion Activities Support Each Other?” In that post I talked about how your book author website should […]

The BookBuzzr Blog is Mentioned in 52 Great Blogs

A few days ago, we learned that the BookBuzzr blog had made it to Joel Friedman’s list of 52 Great Blogs for Self-Publishers. Thank you Joel! It is this kind of recognition that inspires us to write out well-researched, actionable articles devoted to helping authors market their book using new technologies. We’re also deeply appreciative […]

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